Saturday, June 13, 2009


Life is a bit stressful at the moment. Too much going on that I should have been more active in preventing, but it's too late at this point for should haves and what ifs.

The kids are out for the summer and we had hoped to take them to Busch Gardens this year, but that plan has had to be placed on hold indefinitely. It's a huge disappointment all the way around. But we're just accepting what can't be and trying to move on and do the best that we can.

Work...well, I'm looking at another 100+ hours of map creation. This time it's a bit frustrating only in the scale of the maps to be created. It's covering an area about the size of Virginia and we're looking at 18 or so roads. The details of the road when it's multi-lane can be bad, but I'd rather be dealing with 20 miles of 8-lane roads than 100's of miles of 2-lane.

The kids and I got the back yard mowed today and Troy & I got the swing set trimmed up around the posts and under some of the swings where the lawn mower wouldn't fit.

Cassie found a box turtle while she was pushing Terry on the swing. It was under the two person swing he was sitting in... unfortunately, she found it when she stepped on the little guy, but thankfully she didn't cause any harm to him. She held back the swing and I moved the turtle over under the slide. He sat there for a couple of minutes and then started making his way to the back fence (we've assumed he's heading into the wild strawberry patch back there).

The birds are having a great time out in the back yard now... the grass had gotten up over a foot so now that it's been cut they are more easily able to find bugs and the yard has a number of them hopping and pecking before flying off again.

The front and side still need to be cut and trimmed up, but that may come tomorrow.

The kiddos and I headed out after getting the back yard mowed. We dropped Cassie off at the library. She's been begging to go since they closed the library at the school over a month ago. She spent two hours in library heaven while Andrew, Terry and I went to Costco. She's been thrilled since we got back home now that she's got eight books to read - and set up her online access and has requested two more. (You might think she likes to read ... hmm, wonder where she got that from.)

Andrew's finishing up his dinner (too busy playing xbox to eat when the rest of us did). Boy is he goofy. He's giving me such a hard time lately - he's finally reached the same height as mom and he's not letting me live down that he's taller than me. It's expected of course. I'm only 5'4 and his father is over 6'. I expect Drew to top 6' - just don't tell him that. I' keep threatening to put weights on him to shrink him.

Well, he's asking me to help him get his blog set up and linked into the family site so I'm going to ge. (I got his sister set up a little while ago so it's only fair.)

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